p If you are looking for Nguyện có người đồng tâm (愿得一心人) guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Nguyện có người đồng tâm (愿得一心人) by using guitar or guitar. This song by can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Nguyện có người đồng tâm (愿得一心人) guitar chords has rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Nguyện có người đồng tâm (愿得一心人) by Guitar Chords/h3 月光编织的年轮br[F]Yuèguāng biānzhī de [A#m]nián lúnbr绕过你紧锁心门br[Gm7]Ràoguò [C7]nǐ jǐn suǒ [F]xīn ménbr br没人像我不断叩问br[F7]Méi rén [Dm]xiàng wǒ bù [A#]duàn kòu wen [F]br明明你向来最怕寒冷br[G]Míngmíng nǐ xiànglái zuì pà hánlěngbr br为何回绝温存br[Gm]Wèihé huíjué wēn [C]cúnbr原来一心人br[F]Yuánlái yīxīn rénbr br为何又离分brWeihe [C]yòu lí fēnbr你提着孤灯brNǐ tí [Dm7]zhe gūdēngbr br独自寻找星辰brDúzì xúnzhǎo xīng [Am]chénbr转身前的眼神brZhuǎn [A#]shēn qián de yǎnshénbr br泄露多少灵魂brXiè [Am7]lòu duōshǎo líng [Dm]húnbr誓言谎言一并封存brShì [Gm7]yán huǎngyán yī bìng fēngcúnbr br悬而未决最残忍brXuán'ér [A#]wèijué zuì cán [C]rěnbr愿得一心人brYuàn dé [F]yīxīn rénbr br白首不离分brBái shǒu [C]bùlí fēnbr我风雪半生brWǒ fēng [Dm7]xuě bànshēngbr br直到与你相认brZhídào yǔ nǐ xiāng [Am]rèn [C]br看尽浮浮沉沉brKàn [A#]jǐn fú fú chénchénbr br细数晨晨昏昏brXì [Am]shù chénchén hūn [Dm7]hūnbr一怀温暖brYī [Gm7]huái wēnnuǎnbr br是否愈合你余生伤痕brShìfǒu [C]yùhé nǐ yú [A#m]shēng shāng [Gm]hén p If you want to learn Nguyện có người đồng tâm (愿得一心人) guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Nguyện có người đồng tâm (愿得一心人). Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p